博客來精選推薦Guide to the QTS Numeracy Skills Test


Guide to the QTS Numeracy Skills Test

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Guide to the QTS Numeracy Skills Test

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Guide to the QTS Numeracy Skills Test


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This book is for everyone who feels that they need help with the QTS Numeracy Skills test. It is based on work in personal coaching helping people just like you successfully pass the test.Perhaps it is a long time since you last sat in a maths classroom. Perhaps you feel that your maths has got a bit rusty. Perhaps maths was never ’your thing’ and you are worried about the QTS test. Whatever your reservations about your abilities, this book will give you the knowledge and confidence in your abilities to do the maths that you need for your professional skills test.In this book you will find:- A description of the QTS numeracy skills test including how to apply to do the test and what you need to do if you qualify for any special arrangements.- A set of instructions to help you find out how ready you are for the test and what topics need your special attention. This includes a wide range of hints and suggestions to help you answer the questions and complete the test more easily.- Clear explanations of each maths topic that you will have to do in the test together with ’top tips’ to make the working out easier and quicker. There are worked examples and questions to test yourself on each topic.- Three full practice QTS numeracy skills test papers.- Detailed solutions to every question, allowing you to see how you could have tackled questions that you find difficult.- Access to further help should you need it.


  • 作者: O’Toole, Tom
  • 原文出版社:Createspace Independent Pub
  • 出版日期:2015/03/16
  • 語言:英文

Guide to the QTS Numeracy Skills Test


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